
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Christ Our King Adult Sunday School: Basic Christian Beliefs - Beginning Sept. 9

Click Here to Listen to the Lectures in this Series.

We are continuing this series into the Winter and Spring of 2013. We will beginning in January with a series on the theology of the Lord's Supper.

Theology is simply asking questions and seeking answers. That's all it is. Everyone has theological questions. It is virtually inescapable.

Do you know what you believe about the Lord's Supper or Baptism? What happens when we die? What will happen at the end of the age, or is there even an end to the age? What about the bible, what is it, how do we approach it? What about God? Is he all powerful? All knowing? What about Jesus Christ? Was he a good man, a prophet or something else?

What are some of the theological questions that you have?

The Fall Adult Sunday School Class at Christ Our King will be an exploration of important topics in Christian Theology. There will be some major topics that we will cover: sacraments, salvation, God, Jesus Christ, the Church, etc, but we will also be fielding your questions as well. Is there something that you have wondered about life, the bible, the church, or theology? Please use the form just below to submit your question:

Sunday School at Christ Our King will begin again on Sunday, September 9th at 9:00 AM. Children's Sunday School and infant care is provided.

Christ Our King Fall Bible Studies, The Heart of Evangelism

View the schedule for weekly readings here.

Have you ever questioned if you should be involved in the spreading of the gospel? Have you ever wondered how you should go about spreading the good news of Jesus Christ?  Does the prospect of sharing your faith scare you?

This fall all the Christ Our King Bible studies will be exploring the topic of evangelism using the book The Heart of Evangelism by Jerram Barrs.

Professor Barrs is a former disciple of Francis Schaeffer and a current professor at Covenant Theological Seminary. His approach to evangelism is different than many other approaches you may be familiar with. He stresses relational evangelism, which means sharing our lives and faith in natural ways with those people who already surround us.

Don't let the fact that Jerram is a professor scare you from reading the book or attending this Bible study! Jerram writes in a very accessible and clear way that everyone will be able to comprehend. He is also a favorite professor of many students due to his winsome approach and kind and caring heart.

The Bible studies themselves will be informal, discussion based studies. The reading assignments will be small so that everyone can find time to prepare and participate.

The church will have some copies of the book available for purchase. Additionally you may purchase it yourself here (There is a Kindle edition!):

We have three Bible studies to choose from. Wednesday morning ladies' study lead by Gretchen Shults; Wednesday night men's study led by Pastor LeCroy; and Wednesday evening ladies' study lead by Laura Talbert. Please e-mail those leaders for more information.

Click here for the weekly reading schedule.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fall Sunday School Gearing Up, Volunteers Needed

Dear Congregation, 

As the school year gears up this week, we are beginning to plan for the start of Sunday School on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2012.  However, we need some more teachers to volunteer in order to complete our planning!  Currently, Christ Our King offers 4 Sunday School classes for children during the adult Sunday School time from 9-10 AM.  The classes are Nursery, Little Kids, Elementary/Middle School Kids, and High School Kids.  The age cut-offs are not at all strict but just to give you an idea of who you might find in each class: Nursery = birth to 3, Little Kids = 3 to 6, Elementary/Middle Kids = 6 to 12, High School Kids = 12 to 19.  Teaching in the Nursery would simply involve playing with the children.  Teaching in the Little and Elementary/Middle group would involve continuing in the Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum that was begun in January of this year.  Teaching in the High School group would involve following a curriculum (that is currently being decided upon).  Each group of teachers would be asked to attend a short meeting planned at a convenient time to go over materials and generate ideas for making the lessons exciting and appropriate for our setting. 

Please think about being involved in this vital ministry in our church.  Hopefully, we will have enough teachers volunteer so that teachers only need to teach every other week (or maybe every 3rd week).  If you don't feel comfortable committing at that level but would be willing to be on the substitute list to help out when others cannot, please let me know as well.  

I will be making an announcement at church this Sunday and asking for anyone who is interested in helping out or who has questions to let me know after the service.
Thanks so much!

Stephanie Jenkins

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Knudsen baby shower

The Women In the Church ministry will be giving a baby shower for the Knudsen family on Saturday, August 25th. We will meet at the Royer home at 1:30 for the usual festivities. Lori has an Amazon wish list with gift suggestions and ideas. Please come celebrate with us!

Please contact Terry Royer if you have any questions.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Men's Fellowship Night, Friday August 17 @ 7PM

Christ Our King will be having a men's fellowship night on Friday, August 17 at 7:00PM at Pastor LeCroy's house. The subject of the night will be Texas Hold'em Poker. Texas Hold'em is a fun game that anyone can learn to play. It has the luck of any card game, but many people find Texas Hold'em so much fun because it does involve quite a bit of skill.

If you don't know how to play Hold'em, don't worry. It is easy to learn and to begin to compete and play right away. We will play a few hands with no risk at the first so that everyone can get the rules down.

We will have a modest $5 buy in, and no buy backs. What this means is that the most you can lose is $5. Look at it this way, our men's fellowship night will still come out cheaper than the recent ladies night out dinner, and one of us will win some money to take their wife out on a date (That will be what we will all do with our winnings, ladies ;-).

Bring your own refreshments to share. We will play in the garage so that any sort of pleasing incense (if you get my meaning) will be able to be offered to the Lord.

Please begin now by thinking about what friends and neighbors you can invite to this event as well. If there is a big crowd we will start the tournament with two tables.

Friday, August 17 @ 7PM
2103 Iris Dr., Columbia

See you there!