
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Advent at Christ Our King

Do you long for someone or something to fix this broken world? Advent is the season to express such a longing.

Advent is from the Latin word advenire, which means "to come to." The season of Advent is therefore about our longing for something to be done to heal the brokenness of our world. Come join us as we watch and pray together, longing for justice, peace, healing, and unity in our city, our country, and our world.

This Advent at Christ Our King we are having special services, messages, and music especially arranged to help us increase our longing for Christ to come and for us to enter into our calling to watch and pray for His coming.

Our Advent Services:
Sunday, December 2, 10:15 AM
Scripture Text: Luke 21:25-36
Message: Longing for Someone to Fix our World

Sunday, December 9, 10:15 AM
Scripture Text: Luke 3:1-20
Message: The Announcement of His Coming

Sunday, December 16, 10:15 AM
Scripture Text: Luke 7:18-35
Message: Is He the One, or Are we to Seek Another?

Sunday, December 23, 10:15 AM
Scripture Text: Luke 1:39-56
Message: He Comes, but not in the Way we Expected

Click here for a blog post about Advent from our Pastor.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Christmas Cookie Exchange

The Annual Women's Christmas Cookie Exchange will be held on Thursday, November 29th at the Matz home at 7:30. Please bring 4-5 dozen of one sort of cookie or candy, or 2-3 dozen (each) of two or more kinds. It is especially nice to have treats decorated by sweet little children.

We will be making platters for the RUF Christmas party that will be held on Friday, November 30th as well as making up trays for our own Christmas party on the 1st. Samples and nibbles are encouraged by all participants. Contact Laura or Abbey if you have any questions.

Christmas Progressive Dinner

Here are the details for our upcoming church-wide Christmas party Mark your calendar as this is definitely an event you don't want to miss!

Date: Saturday, December 1
Time: 5:30 - ??
Where: Appetizer course will be at the Matz home (1801 University Ave.)
What to bring: Sign up at church on November 18th or November 25th or by contacting Gretchen Shults.

Other information: We will begin the evening at the Matz home with the appetizer course. After we will head to the LeCroy's for the main course and then onto the Shults home for dessert. We will end the evening with an ornament exchange. Please bring a wrapped ornament (either one per person or couple will work). 

We hope to see everyone there!! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Advent Missions Offerings

This Advent at Christ Our King we will be taking up a special missions offering each of the four Sundays of Advent.

This offering will be taken up separately from the regular offering, and the Session is asking each family to consider giving above your normal amount for this special purpose.

Each week of the four Sundays of Advent we will take up a separate Advent offering. These funds will be pooled together, and building on what we have been learning in our Fall Bible studies, the funds will go to support three areas of mission: local, domestic, and international.

Locally, we will be supporting the ministry of RUF lead by Rev. Ross Dixon. RUF is the college ministry of our denomination and through it we seek to proclaim the lordship of Christ on the college campus. If you would like to learn more about RUF at Mizzou, click here.

Domestically, we will be supporting the ministry of Pastor Jamison Galt who is in the process of planting a church in the Clinton Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY. Jamison is a close friend of Pastor LeCroy's and his church is doing a wonderful work to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in New York City. To learn more about Christ Church Clinton Hill, click here. You can also keep up with Christ Church on Facebook by going here and liking their page.

Internationally, we will be supporting the home church of our own Esther Njuguna, the Uthiru, Kenya congregation of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. Their church has several financial needs and we are going to help them as a token of our unity with them in Christ and our partnership with them in the Great Commission.

I would ask you all to prayerfully consider how you can give above and beyond your normal giving this Advent season. This is also a great opportunity for children to be involved in saving up their money and giving to these expressions of our Lord Jesus Christ's mission to renew the entire earth.

-Pastor LeCroy

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Women's Dinner Out

All women are invited to join us for a dinner out at Trey Bistro in downtown Columbia on Thursday, November 15th at 6:30. We encourage you to invite a friend!

We have reservations but please do let us know if you plan to attend and if you are bringing a friend. We want to make sure there is enough seating and keep the bistro updated on our planned attendance.

Please contact Laura Talbert if you have any questions or to RSVP.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes

This year the WIC ministry of Christ Our King is organizing a service project for Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse. We will soon have printed information available but the website has lots of information and tips on what to pack in the shoeboxes, how to pack them, and the ministry's history.

If you have never participated in this ministry project before, please prayerfully consider doing so. It is a lot of fun to fill the boxes and children especially love to be involved.

If you find you haven't the time to shop for materials or don't enjoy doing so, we will happily take a cash donation and shop on your behalf. Collections will be held no later than November 12th so don't delay!

Please see Terri Royer or Laura Talbert for more details.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Christ Our King Fall Party, Saturday October 27

Christ Our King will be having our annual fall party on Saturday, October 27 beginning at 4PM at the home of Matt and Annie Skelton.

There will be a Chili cook-off and children's costume contests.

Please mark your calendars and keep checking back here for more information.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Men's Fellowship Night - Friday, October 19

Christ Our King will be having a men's fellowship night on Friday, October 19 at 7:00PM at Pastor LeCroy's house. The subject of the night will be Texas Hold'em Poker. Texas Hold'em is a fun game that anyone can learn to play. It has the luck of any card game, but many people find Texas Hold'em so much fun because it does involve quite a bit of skill.

If you don't know how to play Hold'em, don't worry. It is easy to learn and to begin to compete and play right away. We will play a few hands with no risk at the first so that everyone can get the rules down.

We will have a modest $5 buy in, and one optional buy back. What this means is that the most you can lose is $10. Look at it this way, that's a pretty cheap night with the guys, and one of us will win some money to take their wife out on a date (That will be what we will all do with our winnings, ladies ;-).

Bring your own refreshments to share. We will play in the garage so that any sort of pleasing incense (if you get my meaning) will be able to be offered to the Lord.

Please begin now by thinking about what friends and neighbors you can invite to this event as well. If there is a big crowd we will start the tournament with two tables.

Friday, October 19 @ 7PM
2103 Iris Dr., Columbia

See you there!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Announcing New Sunday Worship Time

Beginning Sunday, September 23, 2012, Christ Our King will meet for worship at 10:15AM.

We are moving the start time back 15 minutes to give more of a buffer between Sunday School and worship.

Please plan accordingly!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fall Dinner Groups

Our September-November dinner groups have been formed! 

If you haven't yet been contacted by a group leader, you should be very shortly. Our groups are somewhat smaller this season to leave room to invite new people who join us, friends or neighbors, or those you just haven't had an opportunity to get to know very well yet.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Christ Our King Adult Sunday School: Basic Christian Beliefs - Beginning Sept. 9

Click Here to Listen to the Lectures in this Series.

We are continuing this series into the Winter and Spring of 2013. We will beginning in January with a series on the theology of the Lord's Supper.

Theology is simply asking questions and seeking answers. That's all it is. Everyone has theological questions. It is virtually inescapable.

Do you know what you believe about the Lord's Supper or Baptism? What happens when we die? What will happen at the end of the age, or is there even an end to the age? What about the bible, what is it, how do we approach it? What about God? Is he all powerful? All knowing? What about Jesus Christ? Was he a good man, a prophet or something else?

What are some of the theological questions that you have?

The Fall Adult Sunday School Class at Christ Our King will be an exploration of important topics in Christian Theology. There will be some major topics that we will cover: sacraments, salvation, God, Jesus Christ, the Church, etc, but we will also be fielding your questions as well. Is there something that you have wondered about life, the bible, the church, or theology? Please use the form just below to submit your question:

Sunday School at Christ Our King will begin again on Sunday, September 9th at 9:00 AM. Children's Sunday School and infant care is provided.

Christ Our King Fall Bible Studies, The Heart of Evangelism

View the schedule for weekly readings here.

Have you ever questioned if you should be involved in the spreading of the gospel? Have you ever wondered how you should go about spreading the good news of Jesus Christ?  Does the prospect of sharing your faith scare you?

This fall all the Christ Our King Bible studies will be exploring the topic of evangelism using the book The Heart of Evangelism by Jerram Barrs.

Professor Barrs is a former disciple of Francis Schaeffer and a current professor at Covenant Theological Seminary. His approach to evangelism is different than many other approaches you may be familiar with. He stresses relational evangelism, which means sharing our lives and faith in natural ways with those people who already surround us.

Don't let the fact that Jerram is a professor scare you from reading the book or attending this Bible study! Jerram writes in a very accessible and clear way that everyone will be able to comprehend. He is also a favorite professor of many students due to his winsome approach and kind and caring heart.

The Bible studies themselves will be informal, discussion based studies. The reading assignments will be small so that everyone can find time to prepare and participate.

The church will have some copies of the book available for purchase. Additionally you may purchase it yourself here (There is a Kindle edition!):

We have three Bible studies to choose from. Wednesday morning ladies' study lead by Gretchen Shults; Wednesday night men's study led by Pastor LeCroy; and Wednesday evening ladies' study lead by Laura Talbert. Please e-mail those leaders for more information.

Click here for the weekly reading schedule.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fall Sunday School Gearing Up, Volunteers Needed

Dear Congregation, 

As the school year gears up this week, we are beginning to plan for the start of Sunday School on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2012.  However, we need some more teachers to volunteer in order to complete our planning!  Currently, Christ Our King offers 4 Sunday School classes for children during the adult Sunday School time from 9-10 AM.  The classes are Nursery, Little Kids, Elementary/Middle School Kids, and High School Kids.  The age cut-offs are not at all strict but just to give you an idea of who you might find in each class: Nursery = birth to 3, Little Kids = 3 to 6, Elementary/Middle Kids = 6 to 12, High School Kids = 12 to 19.  Teaching in the Nursery would simply involve playing with the children.  Teaching in the Little and Elementary/Middle group would involve continuing in the Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum that was begun in January of this year.  Teaching in the High School group would involve following a curriculum (that is currently being decided upon).  Each group of teachers would be asked to attend a short meeting planned at a convenient time to go over materials and generate ideas for making the lessons exciting and appropriate for our setting. 

Please think about being involved in this vital ministry in our church.  Hopefully, we will have enough teachers volunteer so that teachers only need to teach every other week (or maybe every 3rd week).  If you don't feel comfortable committing at that level but would be willing to be on the substitute list to help out when others cannot, please let me know as well.  

I will be making an announcement at church this Sunday and asking for anyone who is interested in helping out or who has questions to let me know after the service.
Thanks so much!

Stephanie Jenkins

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Knudsen baby shower

The Women In the Church ministry will be giving a baby shower for the Knudsen family on Saturday, August 25th. We will meet at the Royer home at 1:30 for the usual festivities. Lori has an Amazon wish list with gift suggestions and ideas. Please come celebrate with us!

Please contact Terry Royer if you have any questions.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Men's Fellowship Night, Friday August 17 @ 7PM

Christ Our King will be having a men's fellowship night on Friday, August 17 at 7:00PM at Pastor LeCroy's house. The subject of the night will be Texas Hold'em Poker. Texas Hold'em is a fun game that anyone can learn to play. It has the luck of any card game, but many people find Texas Hold'em so much fun because it does involve quite a bit of skill.

If you don't know how to play Hold'em, don't worry. It is easy to learn and to begin to compete and play right away. We will play a few hands with no risk at the first so that everyone can get the rules down.

We will have a modest $5 buy in, and no buy backs. What this means is that the most you can lose is $5. Look at it this way, our men's fellowship night will still come out cheaper than the recent ladies night out dinner, and one of us will win some money to take their wife out on a date (That will be what we will all do with our winnings, ladies ;-).

Bring your own refreshments to share. We will play in the garage so that any sort of pleasing incense (if you get my meaning) will be able to be offered to the Lord.

Please begin now by thinking about what friends and neighbors you can invite to this event as well. If there is a big crowd we will start the tournament with two tables.

Friday, August 17 @ 7PM
2103 Iris Dr., Columbia

See you there!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Service Opportunity - Project Homeless Connect 2012

We have an opportunity to serve the city by helping the homeless in our midst.

This opportunity was presented to us by Columbia Seventh Day Adventist Church (where we meet for worship) and their pastor Sam Whatley. This project is an ecumenical effort across Columbia to help the poor and homeless.

Please see this link for more information:

If you are interested, please meet at the SDA church Tuesday, July 24 at 5:00PM for the training. Tell them you are from Christ Our King.

Any other questions? E-mail Pastor LeCroy

Monday, July 16, 2012

2012 Christ Our King Men's Retreat - Biblical Leadership

When: Friday-Saturday, September 21-22
Where: Dominion Acres, Mt. Sterling, MO (see map below)
Cost: $20
Topic: Biblical Male Leadership

Click Here to Pre-Register!

Friday, 9/21

  • 2PM-6PM - Arrive, Set up camp, free time
  • 6PM - First Talk given by Pastor Jeff Meyers
  • 7PM - Dinner
  • 8:30 - Second talk given by Pastor Tim LeCroy
  • 9:00-?? - Campfire hangout time
Saturday, 9/22
  • 8:00AM - Breakfast
  • 9:00AM - Third talk given by Pastor Meyers
  • 9:30-12:00 - Shooting, Paintball, Fishing, ATV riding, etc.
  • 12:00 - Lunch
  • 12:30 - Fourth talk given by Rev. Ross Dixon
  • 1:00-3:00 - Free time (more shooting, etc.)

The 2012 Christ Our King Men's Retreat will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 21-22, 2012 at Dominion Acres in Mt. Sterling, Missouri.

Dominion Acres is a privately owned hunting lodge with over 150 acres of fields and forests, two fishing ponds, and ATV's. This will be a camp out, so accommodations are what you bring with you.

This retreat is being put on by Christ Our King, but all men who want to do deeper in their walk with the Lord and experience Christian fellowship are welcome. We are especially making an effort to invite young men from Mizzou to come join us.

Actual Bass Caught from One of the Fishing Ponds at Dominion Acres

Biblical Teaching
The retreat will feature bible teaching from Pastor Jeff Meyers of Providence PCA in St. Louis, Pastor Ross Dixon, Campus Minister for RUF at the University of Missouri, and Pastor Tim LeCroy of Christ Our King in Columbia.

The subject of the retreat will be Biblical Male Leadership. Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about being a leader? Have you wanted to be a better leader or learn what it means to be a leader?

We will be covering the subject of leadership in the three areas or spheres of life: The Church, The Home, and The World. Our Bible teachers will instruct and challenge us what it means to be men and to be godly leaders in the life of the church, in our personal and home lives, and in our careers and callings out in the world. The text of Genesis 2 will be our jumping off point, but we will look at several other scriptures as well. Each talk will focus on all areas of men's lives, including college students, young married, with children, etc.

In addition to biblical teaching there will be lots of time for fishing, shooting, paintball, frisbee golf, and more. Supper on Friday night will be something special planned by the grillmeisters at Christ Our King.

Paintball Studs Enjoying Dominion Acres
What to Bring

  • A Bible
  • $20 to cover dinner Friday
  • Cooler with ice
  • Water, Soda, Snacks
  • Camping Gear
    • There is a barn that you can sleep in if you would like. There are no animals in the barn.
    • Tent
    • Sleeping bag
    • Pillow
    • Air Mattress or Sleeping Pad (optional)
  • Food for breakfast and lunch (and the means to cook it)
    • There will be a campfire for cooking
    • Pre-made sub sandwiches are a good option for lunch.
  • The following are optional if you have access
    • Frisbees (or Disc Golf Discs)
    • Paint ball equipment
    • Any Guns that you would like to shoot (with ammo)
    • Camp stove, pots, pans.
    • Fishing rod, tackle, bait.
    • Footballs, wiffle ball, etc.
    • Whatever else you can think to bring!
Map to Dominion Acres
Dominion Acres is located just off Highway 50 between Jefferson City and Union. It should take a little over an hour to drive from Columbia.

View Dominion Acres in a larger map

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Information on Church Picnic this Sunday

At this Sunday's (July 1st) church picnic we are going to have what they call in the Carolinas a Low Country Boil. Others call it a Shrimp boil or, if you are in Louisiana, a crawfish boil (substituting crawfish for shrimp).

Here's how we are going to do it. The church will purchase the shrimp, because getting the right shrimp is the most important part of the boil. Then, we will ask $5 per adult (or child who eats like an adult - no more than $15 per family) to pay for your share of the shrimp. In addition, each family is asked to bring 1lb (or one package) of polish kielbasa sausage, a 5lb sack of new potatoes, or a two packs of frozen mini ears of corn on the cob (like shown here). Beyond that, the church will provide plates, napkins, utensils, lemonade and water. Bring your own beer/wine/etc. and each family should bring some sort of desert.

In order to make sure we have all our bases covered, click on this link to go to a spreadsheet to RSVP (so that we know how much shrimp to get) and sign up for what to bring.

The beauty of this kind of picnic is that you don't have to prepare anything. Just bring the ingredients and Tommy and Pastor Tim will boil them up for you.

One more important thing: please be at the picnic by five with your ingredients so that we can eat at six. We have to boil those potatoes, corn and sausage before we eat them, so please be there at five. There will be horseshoes, washers, and bocce among other games to play.

Oh, and one more thing: invite your friends and neighbors. We want to share God's blessings with them!

Please see this blog post for more information on the location of the picnic.

Men's Bible Study This Wednesday

For our first men's bible study this week, please read the first two chapters of A Table in the Mist by Pastor Jeff Meyers. You can also re-listen to Pastor LeCroy's sermon from two weeks ago (June 17th) that covers the material in these two chapters. (This sermon will be made available on our sermon audio site later in the day Tuesday. Click here.)

The study will be held at Pastor LeCroy's home: 2103 Iris Dr., Columbia, MO 65202 @ 7:00PM. We will have fellowship, prayer, and discussion on the text. Please invite friends and also bring tobacco of your preference if the mood hits us (and the weather is not too hot).

Friday, June 15, 2012

Church Picnic, July 1st

Christ Our King will be having a picnic on Sunday, July 1st from 4PM at the Burford Shelter in Cosmo Park:

Well start picnicking at 4, but we'll plan on eating around 6PM or so. This picnic will be BYOeverything, but plan on bringing sides and deserts to share and provide a little extra in case of visitors. The church will provide the fire to cook the meat along with plates, napkins, utensils, and condiments.

Please bring lawn games or any other outdoor activity you may like. There seems to be a horse shoe pit next to the shelter, so someone may want to bring horse shoes. Bocce would also be fun. There is also a playground immediately adjacent to the shelter.

Also, as always, please think about any friends you would like to bring along.

A map of the park can be seen here:
Burford shelter is shelter #4.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Men's Bible Study Beginning June 27th

Christ Our King will begin a weekly Men's Bible Study beginning Wednesday, June 27 at 7:00PM at Pastor LeCroy's home.

We will be reading the book A Table in the Mist, which is a study on the book of Ecclesiastes. This will also roughly follow the sermon series that Pastor LeCroy will be preaching through this summer.

We will have a time of prayer, bible study, and fellowship. Please come and invite any friends you know who may be interested.

The book will be made available to buy at church in the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Two New Hymns for Sunday

We are going to try something different in worship this Sunday. We are going to have guitar accompaniment and sing two new songs. Some of you will know these songs, because they are from the RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) Hymnbook and have been recorded by a group called Indelible Grace.

The first hymn is The Church's One Foundation. Sheet music for the melody and the words can be found here:
a recording of the song to listen to can be found here:

The second hymn is Jesus, with Thy Church Abide. Sheet music can be found here:
and a recording of the hymn here:

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these hymns so that we can worship together exuberantly this Sunday!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Reminder: Sunday School Is Out For Summer!

This is just a reminder that our Sunday School will be taking a break for the months of June, July, and August.

Thank you so much to all our teachers for all your hard work with our children. Especially, we would like to thank Anne Lloyd for her work to lead the Sunday School program at Christ Our King.

So, beginning this Sunday, June 3, there will be no Sunday School. We will see you all, very rested and on-time, for 10:00AM Sunday Worship!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Volunteers Needed for "Art in the Park"

Art in the Park needs volunteers on Saturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3!  

Former COK members and current member Stephanie Jenkins are involved with the Columbia Art League (CAL) which promotes artists and offers art classes in downtown Columbia.  Art in the Park is CAL's biggest fundraiser for the year and is totally staffed by volunteers.  It is a great opportunity to serve the arts community and meet the people of Columbia who come to enjoy the event.  For more information about the event, click here.

Stephanie has been on the steering committee for the event and works closely with the Education Director Patty.  Volunteers are still needed for Saturday afternoon in the Kid's Art Areas (which Stephanie will be supervising all weekend) and pretty much all day Sunday.  A big need on Sunday is helping get the artists packed up and moved out of the park.  This job is called 'load out' and wouldn't conflict with church activities because it is from 3:30 to 7:30 PM.  Emily Smith has done that job before and says it is a bunch of fun to help because you will probably get to drive a golf cart!!  Anyways, if you have any time to spare and don't mind getting a little sweaty, fill out the volunteer form and sign up here.  If you want to specifically work with another person in our church or in the kid's area, please be sure to note that in the comments section or the volunteer coordinators will put you where they need you instead.  (For the Kid's Art Areas put that you need to work for Patty and Stephanie).  Please call or email Stephanie with any questions-- 678-665-1797  or  

Thanks for considering serving our community in this way.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Details for Pastor LeCroy's Installation Service

A commission of Missouri Presbytery will install Rev. Timothy R. LeCroy, PhD as pastor of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 27, 2012.

The service will be held at our normal worship location, Columbia Seventh Day Adventist at 1100 College Park Drive in Columbia, MO. The service will begin at 4:00PM.

Following the service there will be a celebration of this event. The celebration will be held at Oakland Park, located at 1900 Blue Ridge Rd. at the Albert-Oakland shelter #3. The meal will be picnic style, with the church providing the meat, buns, condiments, and utensils. Pastor LeCroy will be providing his very own beer that he made especially for the occasion. Congregants are asked to bring a side item and a dessert. Please bring more than you and your family could eat yourself, as we need to provide for several visitors.

Furthermore, congregants are asked to bring any lawn games you may have, such as bocce, washers, horseshoes, bag toss, badminton, volley ball, etc. Additionally, congregants are encouraged to bring lawn chairs for general hanging out. The shelter has room for 72 persons to sit and eat.

The celebration will last from around 6PM to 10PM.

Friday, May 4, 2012

New dinner groups

The May-July dinner groups have been formed. You should be hearing from a group leader very shortly about arrangements for the first round. If you haven't yet signed up for a dinner group, it's never too late. There is always room at the table.

Please contact Laura Talbert for more information.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Hymn This Sunday

We're going to be trying a new hymn during communion this Sunday. If you get a chance, listen to the video and try and sing it through once or twice

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Medical Supply Drive

The Women In the Church ministry is organizing a medical supply drive to support the ministry of CrossLink International. Crosslink  equips medical mission teams, mission hospitals and clinics, and missionaries with medical resources in the name of Christ. A short video explains their history and purpose, and explains how things as simple as pain reliever and band-aids can change a life. 

Some of the items we will be collecting are analgesics, gauze, bandages, used eye glasses, toothbrushes, aspirin, and vitamins. For a more comprehensive needs list, please visit the website or pick up a flyer before or after service on the Lord's Day. 

Supplies will be collected throughout the month of May. Please bring donated items to church or contact Laura Talbert to make other arrangements.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Upcoming Events

There are several upcoming events that we would like to make you aware of.

First of all Pastor LeCroy and his family would like to announce that he is defending his dissertation entitled: "The Role of corpus in the Eucharistic Theology of Paschasius Radbertus," on Friday, April 27 at 1:00PM in the Sinquefield State Room in DuBourg Hall on the campus of Saint Louis University. He will also be graduating with a PhD in Historical Theology from Saint Louis University on May 19th.

Any and all are welcome to attend these events and celebrate this achievement with Tim, Rachel, and Ruby.

Relevant links:
For the dissertation defense:
For the commencement:

Furthermore, Christ Our King would like to announce and have you mark your calendars for the installation of Rev. Timothy R. LeCroy as our pastor on May 27th. The service will be in the late afternoon, with a celebration to follow. Please mark your calendars and pay attention for more details as they are determined.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Church-wide Easter Party

SAT, Apr 7 – ALL-CHURCH EASTER PARTY at the Skelton home:

 3pm – EGG HUNT for the little ones (BYOB = Bring Your Own Basket); and … EGG-DYEING and FAMILY GAMES for all;

 5pm – DINNER – Bring your own meat to grill (and buns, too) and a side or dessert to share. (Table service & drinks will be provided.)

Please bring your own seating (chair, stool, or blanket) along with a general sense of frivolity and amiability. 

Directions to Skelton home, 16401 S Palis Nichols Rd, Hartsburg: Take 63 South from Columbia to the Ashland exit (~13 miles). Turn RIGHT at the Ashland exit, drive through the small town of Ashland on Broadway. Turn LEFT onto Palis Nichols Rd, less than a mile outside of town. (Ashland Christian Church w/blue roof is at the intersection.) Continue on Palis Nichols, past the 4-way stop intersecting with Liberty Lane. The road will curve sharply a couple times and switch from paved to gravel. Their driveway’s the first on the RIGHT just after the road changes to gravel (there’s a large pond on your left). Their mailbox is in a stone pillar. The house is not visible from the road, but there’s parking for 6-8 cars down near the house, or else you’re welcome to park along the road (a grassy field runs the front length of their property). We’re looking forward to seeing you all there! If lost, call Annie @ 573-356-3054 or Matthew @ 573-356-3334.