
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pictures from our Recent Ladies' Service Day

Here are some pictures from our recent Ladies' service day. Our Ladies Ministry team, led by Laura Talbert organized a day to make dresses for little girls in Africa through the non-profit organization Little Dresses for Africa:

These ladies had a wonderful time of fellowship while they worked hard to serve others. Our prayer is that these little dresses will be a blessing in helping to make some beautiful little girls in Africa even more beautiful. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Worship Today at 11AM for Those who Can Make It

We are going to have worship today at 11:00 for those that can make it to church.

The roads are not plowed as of right now, but there has been enough traffic on the secondary roads to pack the snow down. There are cars and other vehicles without 4x4 out driving around, and they seem to be doing fine. The key will be whether you can get out of your own neighborhood to the nearest secondary road. 

So, if you can make it, come. If you cannot, stay home. We will have a liturgy and Eucharist for those who can make it. I will record the sermon for those of you who stay home to listen later if you wish.

If you would like a ride to church from someone who has 4x4, let me know and we will try to accommodate you.

The Lord bless you, and above all, stay safe!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Snow Schedule for Sunday, March 24

With winter storm Virgil bearing down upon us, we have made the following changes to tomorrow's schedule:
+Sunday School is cancelled
+Morning worship is moved to 11AM

We will evaluate the situation tomorrow morning and make another announcement concerning whether we will have church or not.

Because there are special events planned for tomorrow's service, we will make every effort to have church tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Holy Week and Easter at Christ Our King

Christ Our King is offering the following special events for worship and celebration this Easter Season.

Palm Sunday
When: Sunday March 24, 10:15AM
Where: 1100 College Park Dr., Columbia, MO (Columbia Seventh Day Adventist Campus)
This service will include the procession of the palms.

Good Friday
When: Friday, March 29, 6:30PM
Where: 1100 College Park Dr., Columbia, MO (Columbia Seventh Day Adventist Campus)
This service will include special music.
For more information on our Good Friday Service, click here.

Easter Sunday
When: Sunday, March 31, 10:15AM
Where: 1100 College Park Dr., Columbia, MO (Columbia Seventh Day Adventist Campus)
This service will include special music.

Easter Egg Hunt and Party
When: Saturday, April 6, Time TBA
Where: Skelton Home, 16401 S. Palis Nichols Rd., Hartsburg MO
There will be an Easter Egg hunt for children and plenty of food and drink for all who desire to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

Second Sunday of Easter (The Octave of Easter)
When: Sunday, April 7, 10:15AM
Where: 1100 College Park Dr., Columbia, MO (Columbia Seventh Day Adventist Campus)
There will be special music for this service.

Good Friday Service: March 29 @ 6:30PM

On Friday, March 29 at 6:30 PM we will be gathering as a congregation to contemplate the death of our Lord Jesus, to worship him, hear his word, and to pray. The service will last one hour and will be a service of scripture, prayer, song, and a short homily. This will be a fitting way to conclude our observance of Lent and to prepare our hearts for Easter morning.

Childcare will be provided. The Pastor will be available after the service to speak with anyone who desires counsel and encouragement due to their struggle with guilt or sin.

The service will be at our normal worship location: 1100 College Park Dr., on the campus of the Columbia Seventh Day Adventist Church.

What: Good Friday Service
Where: SDA Sanctuary, 1100 College Park Dr., Columbia, MO
When: Friday, March 29, 6:30PM

Friday, March 8, 2013

Adult Sunday School: Who is God?

Who or what is God? Is He a person or a power? Is He a he? Is there only one God? What is His nature? What is He like? Does God have an interest in me or my life? Does God love me? Does He care about me? Does He listen to me? What does God want from me? Does He demand anything from me? If so, do I have to give it to Him?

Is there a God?

Why does all this matter?

Over the next few weeks in Adult Sunday School at Christ Our King we will be exploring the answers to these very important questions. Where should we go to get such answers? Last fall in our Sunday School we answered that these answers are available to us in God's Holy Word, the Bible.

What does the Bible say about who God is? The Bible is a progressive revelation. In other words, it reveals things about God and us progressively, bit by bit, as we walk through the biblical story. Therefore, in this class we will be looking directly at the Scriptures, starting from the beginning, and learning how God reveals himself to us as we explore the beauty of the biblical narrative.

This Sunday School Class will begin on Sunday, March 10 at 9:00AM. If you want to learn more about God, who he is, and what he is doing, come join us!